Monday, April 27, 2009

moody make me lost

When I am in my very-bright-good mood, I love to have some activities such as reading, chatting and this, writing. But when it turns to deep-black-bad mood, I will just easily erase all my posts? hahaha.. what an unimportant-stupid-useless stuffs? fiuh .. but I did it once XP

I feel lost in certain mood, hope that I can keep a constant mood that makes me feel best =)

Now, I am focusing in my internship, trying to obtain it at the best place, Singapore .. o.O
wish me luck .xoxo. thx


Ivonne Kangdra said...

iya2.. w pernah masuk blog u skale trus gk da isinya sama skale.. ane w liatnya.. ternyata d hapus smua ya??? waah2.. cpd

mini said...

hahaha.. iya von, tp ni ada tulis lg koq, cuma ga sering2.. ga ada wkt a .. hehehehe.

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