Sunday, June 20, 2010

2nd year final exam

I am going to face my final exam which result will brings impact to my future. OH NO!
Few days will determine whether I deserve Very Honorable, Honorable, Pass or Failed. It sounds a little bit unfair though. In my mind, I am thinking ... what about 1st term to 5th term results, they worth nothing? However, this is the rule and it's hardly change. So, what I can do is study harder. Wish me luck =)

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sometimes we just don't know how life will treat us

dear Blogger,

Eventhough, I have to leave my home and fam to study abroad but I met new people and I love it, I learned a lot of new things, I passed all my papers, I experienced industrial training, I went back home oftenly, I went to many places, I bought not only what I need but also what I want. It seems perfect and of course I feel blessed for what I have, it is just too much.

I was good and I left a good impression to people around me, but I am terrible and I am doubting about what people think about me. It should be more bad things, mostly.
Yes, I had a very tough moment in my life and it changed me. In some line, I am doing better, but I had to lose more good parts of me and while I realize, this make me sad and mad in the same time.

Surely I do not regret my past, but I fear about my future. I struggle hard and put a lot of effort to change those bad impressions that I had created in these last years, however, it does not show a good result. I know time will heals and what I need to do is to be more patient, but in some part of my heart, I really worry about this. What should I do?
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